Matter of Fat Podcast

Matter of Fat, co-hosted by Cat Polivoda and Saraya Boghani, highlights community voices with a focus on body size, body positivity, & fat liberation. We hear guests’ stories as a matter of fat – honoring and learning about their intersecting identities while grounding the conversation in body positivity & body politics. We also create and share resources, chat social justice, popular culture, & Midwest life – all as a matter of fat.

This American Life’s Tell Me I’m Fat

The way people talk about being fat is shifting. With one-third of Americans classified as overweight, and another third as obese, and almost none of us losing weight and keeping it off, maybe it’s time to rethink the way we see being fat. A show inspired by Lindy West’s book Shrill.

It's Always been Ours: Reclaiming the Story of Black Womens' Bodies by Jessica Wilson
It's Always been Ours: Reclaiming the Story of Black Womens' Bodies by Jessica Wilson

It’s Always been Ours: Reclaiming the Story of Black Womens’ Bodies by Jessica Wilson

In It’s Always Been Ours eating disorder specialist and storyteller Jessica Wilson challenges us to rethink what having a “good” body means in contemporary society. By centering the bodies of Black women in her cultural discussions of body image, food, health, and wellness, Wilson argues that we can interrogate white supremacy’s hold on us and reimagine the ways we think about, discuss, and tend to our bodies.