So Your Child Has an Eating Disorder – 5 steps to Get Started

Finding out your child has an eating disorder may be some of the most difficult news you’ve ever received. Eating disorders are clouded in misunderstanding and misinformation, and having one in the family can feel very isolating.

As you organize treatment and recovery for your child, here are five things you can do to set yourself up for success.

Eating Disorder Warning Signs and Symptoms

Since early detection of an eating disorder is a predictor of sustained recovery, it is important to know ED warning signs and symptoms. If you notice several of the symptoms listed below, please seek an evaluation with a professional trained in treating eating disorders.

Exercise and Eating Disorders

Exercise and movement play a complicated role with eating disorders. While exercise certainly has its benefits, when taken to the extreme, it may be a sign of destructive coping. This resource discusses healing one’s relationship to compulsive exercise.

Do I Have an Eating Disorder?

You are the best at knowing yourself and the degree to which your preoccupations with food and body image interfere with your life. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions in this questionnaire, it may be an indication that you may benefit from support around food, weight, and/or exercise.

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Athletes and Eating Disorders

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Men and Eating Disorders

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Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)

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Tips for Parents and Caregivers

Tips for Parents: How to Promote Positive Body Image

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Tips for Educators: How to Help a Student with an Eating Disorder

parents' guide to supporting a child through eating disorder recovery
parents' guide to supporting a child through eating disorder recovery

A Parent’s Guide to Support Their Child Through Eating Disorder Treatment

This brief guide strives to assist parents in supporting their child through treatment.

9 Truths About Eating Disorders